Espoon nuorisokuoro Candomino ry
Sammalkalliontie 5, 02210 Espoo
The Administrative Curator
Helleka Tallgrén
040 510 2610
candomino (at)
The Conductor of Candomino
Esko Kallio
040 509 1874
esko.kallio (at)
The Conductor of CandoMini
Anna Sandström
anna.sandstrom1 (at)
The Conductor of CaMinus
Liisalotta Lepistö
040 414 9341
liisalotta.lepisto (at)
Order our choirs to perform!
You can order Candomino or CandoMini to perform in your events and parties. Ask for more details and request an offer from the Administrative Curator.
Concert, the whole choir (45–60 min.) 4 000 €
A double quartet, 8 singers (15–20 min.) 1000 €
A quartet, 4 singers (15–20 min.) 550 €
The prices are examples. The number of singers and length of the performance are negotiable.
Additional services for companies
The company’s ad featured in the concert programme 100–500 €